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NGO Casa

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Miodrag Miki Marinković


Miodrag Marinković is one of the most renowned civic activists from the Kosovo Serb community, and author of several noticeable studies, policy papers, and civic programs in the area of community rights, reconciliation, social development, etc. On May 31, 2021, the Assembly of Center for Affirmative Social Actions appointed Mr. Marinković as the director of the organization with a two-year mandate and entrusted him a task to steer the development of the organization by building its internal capacities and infrastructure, positioning the organization at the civic scene in Kosovo and development of functional ties with the constituency and stakeholders.

Jelena Cvetanović


Ms. Cvetanović is a long-term civic activist with two decades of working experience in media affairs, citizen engagement and gender equality issues. She’s been working for various civil society organizations and American development companies in Kosovo through different USAID’s supported projects. She stands for technical and programmatic education of women, minorities and marginalized groups.

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Stefan Kalaba

Project manager

Stefan Kalaba is a young ecologist and graduated forestry engineer. He has been socially active in the NGO sector in Kosovo for more than 10 years, predominantly in projects involving and empowering marginalized social groups. His experience in projects dealing with people with disabilities, social entrepreneurship, refugees, RAE community will bring fresh energy and a new approach to project tasks.

Maksim Aksić

junior researcher

Maksim Aksić is a young student of the Faculty of Political Science and an upcoming policy researcher from the Kosovo Serb community. Exactly the capacity found in scarce within civic sector representing the interests of Kosovo Serb community.  The increasing capacity of Mr. Aksić to contribute to organization work through review and development of affirmative policies pertaining to rights and freedoms of the Kosovo Serb community is a valuable resource of the organization.   

Nora Bezera


Ms. Nora Bezera is a linguist and professional translator that acts as an external consultant for the CASA. She holds a Master’s degree in Albanian Language and Literature from Belgrade University and translation/interpretation experience from Constitutional Court in Pristina, Kosovo. Bilingual upbringing, educational excellence, and scrupulous working ethnic single out Ms. Bezera as one the leading translators/interpreters in Serbian/Albanian language in Kosovo enabling the organization to attain high standards in communication on both official languages in Kosovo. 

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Nataša Denović

financial manager

Ms. Nataša Denović is an advanced accountant with close to a decade of experience in the financial management of non-profit organizations in Kosovo and the region. Ms. Denović is recognized exactly by the skills required for the position she holds, meticulousness, patience, punctuality, and attention to detail. These skills translate to impeccable financial management of organization affairs. 


Stefan Petković

CoordinaTOR for eastern and central Kosovo

Mr. Petković is a young civic activist from Ropotovo, Ranilug Municipality. A proactive attitude and purposeful mobility in the non-majority communities south of river Ibar, qualify Mr. Petković as a great asset and implementational advantage of the organization. Mr. Petković is in charge to coordinate CASA activities in the non-majority communities south of river Ibar, including municipalities of Ranilug, Klokot, Kamenica, Novo Brdo, Gračanica, Štrpce, etc.

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Dušica Jovičić


Dusica was born in Pristina. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Sociology (in the field of Methodology of Social Sciences). At the beginning of 2023 she joined the CASA team as a Researcher, with the aim of contributing to better understanding of the complex reality in Kosovo. She believes that sharp, analytical skills, critical thinking, and understanding are the foundation of any qualitative research.


Anri Dinan 9/54
Mitrovica North

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