Title: The Barabar Initiative: Enhancing community and trust-building dialogue in Kosovo
Duration: 6 months
Implementation period: December 15, 2022 – May 15,2023.
Implementation partner: Integra
Supported by: UNMIK
Status: Completed
Objectives of the project
The Barabar Centre is a project that aims to create a common space for dialogue and trust-building activities in Kosovo. It will serve as a hub for professional, social, and cultural interactions between peer groups from all communities in the region, with the goal of promoting and supporting the prospects of lasting peace. The establishment of the Centre will involve a multi-faceted process that requires the participation of various stakeholders. This project aims to provide the foundation for such sustainable engagement in two ways by establishing the basic infrastructure and operations of the dialogue space, and by mobilizing relevant actors and their expertise to develop a set of principles outlining a new approach to trust-building in Kosovo. The project will be implemented by the NGO CASA in collaboration with NGO INTEGRA, with a focus on engaging both K-Albanian and K-Serb communities. CASA has a proven track record in trust-building dynamics in Kosovo, and the partnership between the two NGOs has a long history of successful collaboration.
Expected results:
In Kosovo, relevant stakeholders and opinion makers from various communities actively participate in public dialogue to improve trust and cooperation through the application of principles on trust-building and inter-ethnic dialogue. As a result of this effort, the following outcomes are expected:
- The Multi-ethnic Barabar Team will be able to operate the Centre at its temporary location,
- Stakeholders will be formally and actively involved in discussions on trust-building priorities, and
- Trust-building principles will be jointly developed and shared with media, relevant decision-makers, and other relevant actors through effective outreach efforts.